

(International Day of Peace)


One of the most often question asked is: “What is the difference between a refugee, asylum seeker and a migrant?”. 

During this COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of refugees are greatly affected from various aspects, both from the socio-economic and health aspect. From the socioeconomic aspect, the presence of COVID-19 will have a major effect on the reduced income of these refugees and this reduced income certainly has a big impact on their lives, for example: refugees with the lowest income have spent their earnings on essential items like medicine and food. This economic crisis can also result in the obstruction of services to educational facilities for refugees. 

In addition to that, in the health aspect, the existence of COVID-19 clearly had a profound impact on the lives of refugees as well. Refugees are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 as refugee camps are often very densely populated, not to mention the lack of access to clean water, sanitation, and health services which in turn increases the risk of refugees to contact COVID-19. 

During this period, without doubt, all countries are experiencing difficulties in overcoming COVID-19, Starting from the way to handle it to the hospital capacity, which are currently running low. As privileged people, we only think about the health of our own citizens, but in fact, there are refugees in our country who needs treatment too. Because, in this pandemic they are included as vulnerable people and not just in Indonesia, refugees are also scattered in several other countries and they all have the right to good health. 


Pre-test and post-test assessment through Instagram polling

Therefore, to commemorate "International Day of Peace", SCORP CIMSA UPH gave an education through the platform: Instagram, which was held on 21st September 2020 by SCORP CIMSA UPH members. The point is to increase awareness and knowledge of the public and Indonesian medical students regarding the rights and health of refugees in Indonesia, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Even though as medical students, there is not much we can do that is felt by refugees, but the 2 ways below are the easiest things we can do: 

1. Fighting Social Exclusion of Refugees 

2. Donate to fill Their Needs 

Infographic about the rights and health of refugees in Indonesia

Let us learn more and spread the news about refugees and the rights they have as they are also human beings just like us and deserve the same quality of healthcare and rights as we do.


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