IDoP 2020
(International Day of Peace 2020)
To commemorate the campaign and celebration of the International Day of Peace (IDoP) 2020, SCORP-CIMSA held a series of campaigns themed "Refugees’ Health and Rights in COVID-19 Pandemics ". The background of this campaign is that refugees as one of the vulnerable groups have become more vulnerable to their rights and health during the COVID-19 pandemic due to limitations, the society especially medical students, also do not understand and realize the existence of refugees in Indonesia.
The IDoP 2020 social media campaign series was held from September 14 to 29 2020 but preceded by the publication of the primary assessment on September 10. SCORP-CIMSA published infographics, articles on the website, and a video campaign was delivered by Local Officers on Human Rights and Peace from 21 locals and 4 observers. SCORP-CIMSA also held two separate series of webinars on September 21 and 26, inviting expert external partners in their fields.
The first webinar with the subtopic "Refugees: The Uphill, Entitlement, and Protection" was attended by around 280 participants with the speaker Mr. Ahmad Taufan Damanik as the Head of the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights, Mr. Zico Efraindio P. as the Public Awareness and Campaign Coordinator & Legal Advisor from SUAKA, and Mr. Abdullah Sarwari as the Co-founder of Refugees Learning Center.
The second webinar with the subtopic "Are The Health and Rights of Refugees Secured?" was attended by about 130 participants with the speaker Ms. Rei Firdha Amalia as the Protection Associate (Community-Based) UNHCR, Mr. Diovio Alfath as the Protection Associate (Legal Protection) UNHCR, and dr. Agustinus L.S. as the Senior Migration Health Physician IOM-UN Migration. Both webinars were broadcast via the Zoom and Youtube platforms.
Besides, SCORP-CIMSA also held crowdfunding which the proceeds would later be distributed to refugees shelters through selected local bidding projects or related institutions to help the needs of refugees. Capacity building is also carried out for CIMSA members through recommendations for human rights training for each local.
Through the campaign as well as the 2020 International Day of Peace, it is hoped that the general public, especially medical students, will understand and be aware of conditions, legal protection, the fulfillment of rights and health, and can take real action in promoting the rights of refugees in Indonesia. Also, both the society, government organizations, and non-government organizations can pay more attention to the rights and needs of refugees in Indonesia. The fulfillment of human rights is part of peace, as is the right of refugees. See you on International Day of Peace 2021!