Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common types of infection among adult women. Various risk factors underlie the occurrence of UTIs, for example, the action of catheterization which allows pathogenic infections and an increase in sexual activity, especially in young people, which can also trigger UTIs. To prevent UTIs, various preventive measures can be taken, one of which is maintaining genital hygiene. Genital hygiene plays an important role in protecting reproductive health and preventing genital infections.
Therefore, SCORA CIMSA UNEJ held an activity called HONEY (Habits to Care for Genital Hygiene Properly) to commemorate Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day (SRHAD) 2023. HONEY consists of a series of events, there are on-air radio broadcasts, LPET, live Instagram, and social media campaigns on the topic of genital hygiene.
HONEY's first event was an on-air radio broadcast by Ghefira Alma Aziza (member of SCORA CIMSA UNEJ) on 24th February 2023 and talked about genital hygiene with RRI PRO 2 Jember Radio. On February 25th, 2023, we held an LPET which was attended by SCORA CIMSA UNEJ members and CIMSA UNEJ Officials. This LPET discussed “Comprehensive Sexual Education and Genital Hygiene” with Nindya Audatus Sa'diyah (PETRA CIMSA UNEJ) and “Basic Peer Educator” with Sisca Puji Rahayu (PETRA CIMSA UNEJ).
Our main event is live Instagram with the topic "Genital Hygiene 101: How to Take Care of Your Genital Hygiene?" which was held on 25th February 2023 with moderator Atiiq Anggraini Nursyabani (member of SCORA CIMSA UNEJ) and the speakers are Dr. dr. Dhelya Widasmara, Sp. KK(K), FINSDV from PERDOSKI, Priskilla Narendra Wijaya, S. Psi from the SeBAYA PKBI Youth Center, and Amerria Reesia from Gak Tabu Lagi. This live Instagram has reached 35 viewers.
We also held a social media campaign on Instagram CIMSA UNEJ. We held an Instagram filter challenge which was participated by 23 Instagram accounts and also shared myths and a facts quiz about genital hygiene. We also shared a video of expert opinion about genital hygiene on Instagram CIMSA UNEJ by credible speakers from UNEJ Medical Center, PKBI Jember, and Gak Tabu Lagi, which has received more than 75 likes. This social media campaign can be seen on CIMSA UNEJ's Instagram. Overall, HONEY (Habits to Care for Genital Hygiene Properly) activities went well.
Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Including HIV & AIDS
Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation's Health