
(Hari Kolaborasi Kesehatan Nasional)

In order to support Collaboration Health Day on 12 October 2021, Medical Education Committee (MECO) MMSA UMY brings useful activity in order to increase student awareness regarding the importance of collaboration between medical personnel so as to improve the quality of health services in Indonesia. The theme of this activity was “The  Importance of Collaboration between Medical Personnel” with 2 activities, educational video, and twibbon Instagram stories. The participants who joined this activity were 25 members of MECO. The 4 minutes 35 seconds educational video has been viewed by 246 views published on IgTV MMSA UMY. The other activity we did was twibbon Instagram story that has been uploaded by 21 members of MECO.

The goal of holding collaborative activities between health personnel is to increase student awareness related to medical personnel collaboration. The educational video explained the definition of collaboration between professions, the purpose of collaboration between professions, the benefits of collaboration between professions, the advantages of collaboration, the negative impact of not collaborating well, the role of students in collaboration between medical personnel, and the importance of collaboration activities between medical personnel. The twibbon of Collaboration Health Day uploaded via Instagram story contains sentences about collaboration between medical personnel along with photos uploaded by each member. It is intended that this collaborative campaign between medical personnel can be widely disseminated so that it can increase the awareness of students and medical personnel.

Collaboration between medical personnel such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other medical personnel is very important to serve and treat patients in order to improve the quality of health. In this case the need for early awareness of the importance of collaboration through holding a campaign of Collaborative Health Day between medical personnel.



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