

(Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Bersama CIMSA)


On Friday, 4th December 2020, HIBERNASI CIMSA UGM held its 4th intervention at Yayasan Hamba. Our 4th intervention raises a topic about the danger of cigarettes and NAPZA. According to BNN Indonesia, 95% of narcotics user start their 'narcotics carreer' from smoking in a young age. Another data from BNN also shows that there are many teenage cigarette user in Indonesia and the number quickly and sharply rises each year. 

From the data stated on previous paragraphs, we see the need and importance to educate children and teenagers about the danger of cigarettes and NAPZA. Our journey of raising awaraness starts here, at Yayasan HAMBA, short for Yayasan Sahabat Manusia Pembutuh Cinta. Yayasan HAMBA has a motto which is “Satu Pribadi lebih penting dari seluruh dunia” and a mission to “Melayani anak-anak yang tertolak oleh keluarga dan lingkungannya”.

During our 4th intervention, we divided the class into two rooms, for teenagers and for kids. We also collaborated with two external partners which are Raja Bandar UGM and Forum Anak Nasional, where from each partner, a speaker is invited to our intervention, and they are Nadya Anggraini from Raja Bandar UGM as Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Anti NAPZA Ambassador 2019 and Belva Aulia Putri Ayu Rehardini from Forum Anak Nasional.

The activity starts with pre-test given to both room and were done with different methods based on their age. Furthermore, ice breaking was done, also in both room, with active games in children's room and Quiz in the teenagers room. 

Moreover, with Ms. Belva Aulia as the speaker in the kids’ room and Ms. Nadya Anggraini as the speaker in the teenage room, both of them were able to make the session effective and interactive. After the materials were given, we conducted our second session which is crossword solving in the children's room and Focus Group Discussion in the teenagers room to deepen their understanding about dangers of cigarettes and NAPZA. Finally, post-tes and photo session with speakers were done to wrap up our 4th Intervention.

Through this intervention, other than the fact that the message about danger and prevention of NAPZA were fully understood by teenagers and kids under the care of Yayasan HAMBA, their happy and smiling faces through out the intervention were enough to proof us that they had a lot of fun.


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