
Tuberculosis (TBC) is a type of communicable disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to data from Kemenkes, the number of TB cases in Indonesia has reached 824 thousand people. This can be caused by the easy transmission of TB through sputum and droplets released by TB patients when coughing or talking. In addition, the healing process for TB patients requires a long time. TB recovery is very dependent on the patient's adherence to taking the medicine. For this reason, the Drug Swallowing Supervisor plays a very important role in accompanying TB patients, monitoring and ensuring TB drug consumption, encouraging TB patients to routinely check their sputum, providing TB counseling, and motivating TB patients in undergoing their treatment.

Therefore, SCOPH CIMSA UNEJ held an activity called HEROES (Together We Can Stop Tuberculosis). This activity was held to commemorate World Tuberculosis Day  (WTBD) 2023. HEROES consists of several series of events, there are pre-activity training, seminars, TB screening, and social media campaigns.

Pre-activity training was held on 4th March 2023 at the University of Jember Faculty of Medicine. This pre-activity training was attended by SCOPH CIMSA UNEJ members and Officials CIMSA UNEJ with speakers Cinday Kinanti Pramusinta and Aulia Mahmuda as PHL SCOPH CIMSA UNEJ. This pre-activity training discussed “Tuberculosis and Health Screening”. This training also practices health checks on SCOPH CIMSA UNEJ members.

Our main event is a seminar and TB screening for the community at Al-Bidayah Islamic Boarding School Jember on 5th March 2023. This seminar discussed two topics including "The Importance of Early Detection and Complete Treatment of Tuberculosis" and "The Importance of the Role of Peer Educators and Support Systems for TB Patients and Healthy Lifestyle for Preventing TB Transmission” with Dr. Nanda Eka Sri Sejati from Jember Lung Hospital and dr. Sendy Dwi Pertiwi from the Kaliwates Health Center is a speaker. TB screening was carried out by members of SCOPH CIMSA UNEJ in collaboration with Tuberculosis Task Force from Kaliwates Health Center for the community at this Islamic boarding school.

On 2nd April 2023, we uploaded a health promotion video about tuberculosis and in making it we also collaborated with Yayasan KNCV Indonesia. This video can be seen on Instagram and YouTube CIMSA UNEJ, which has received more than 60 likes. Overall, HEROES (Together We Can Stop Tuberculosis) activities are going well.

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