

(Global Action Project)


On August 2019, SCOPH and SCORE CIMSA UI held an event called GAP Exchange with the theme of “Cardiovascular Diseases”. Thereby, we are in partnership with Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia. The tutors who are in charge in this project are dr. Bambang Widyantoro, SpJP, PhD and Dr. dr. Anwar Santoso, SpJP(K). Our incomings this year are Tautvile from Lithuania and Omneya from Egypt.

The reason we chose Cardiovascular Diseases as the theme is due to its very high prevalence in Indonesia. 37% of the deaths in Indonesia is caused by Cardiovascular Diseases. According to Riskesdas 2018, 1,5% of Indonesia’s population suffers from Coronary Heart Disease. This has prompted  CIMSA UI to focus on the theme of cardiovascular diseases for this year's exchange program.


The exchange activities such as lectures and lab works took place in two different places, namely Harapan Kita National Heart Center and IMERI. Our incomings did a research titled “Effect of Ramadhan Fasting in Endothelial Function of Diabetes Patient” in Harapan Kita National Health Center, Jakarta. The incomings conducted their research during the weekdays and spent their weekends doing fieldwork. The fieldwork consisted of conducting patient visits with the doctors from RS Harapan Kita where they made lists of drugs given to clinical trial patients, collected data of clinical trial patients, and followed up clinical trial patients in the hospital. On Saturday, 24th of August, the incomings taught the students of SDN Rawamangun 12 Pagi about Cardiovascular Diseases. On Sunday, 25th of August, they did glucose, uric acid, cholesterol, and blood pressure screening at Car Free Day Jakarta Area in Bundaran HI.

As the incomings had free time during the weekends, we accompanied them whenever they wanted to shop, visit places or simply have lunch together. They also used their free time to explore Indonesia. Aside from Jakarta, they also visited Bali, Yogyakarta, Pangandaran and many more.

Furthermore, we also did a mini social program for all the incomings. For this program, we partnered up with CIMSA Universitas Pelita Harapan. The program was held around Jakarta and was similar to Amazing Race. We visited Galeri Nasional, Museum Nasional, Cathedral Church, Istiqlal Mosque, Monas, Pasar Baru and Kota Tua. The aim of this program is to allow not only the the GAP Exchange participants but all the SCORE and SCOPH incomings to bond with one another.

As their final report, the incomings are expected to finish an abstract paper and give a presentation about a cardiovascular research project they are interested in on their last day. In the end, we hosted a farewell party for the incomings where we had dinner together and presented the certificates to the incomings.

We really had a good time together and we hope to see them soon on another time!


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