Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a “fair-minded” practice for Indonesians – due to religious or cultural reasons. This practice, mostly carried out by traditional circumciser or even by the physician. Internationally, FGM is recognized as a human right violation for women and girls. The practice often violates the rights to health, protection, and physical integrity of an individual, the right to be free from abuse and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, and the right to life when death occurs from the procedure.
There also medical aspects in FGM, such as type of FGM, classified by WHO. Therefore, after received a proposal from Girl Up UGM, we agreed to have this collaboration project. We designed this project by involving the community, act as a public campaigner (we called them volunteers), and passively by attending the webinar.
We reached out to 283 people for being a volunteer. The social media campaign was going along in seven days (January 28th – February 5th). It started by giving a brief about this campaign and objectives, share infographics, pop quizzes, and our article that has been written by Peer Educator Trainer (PETRA) and Girl Up UGM member from Research.
Our main event, a webinar, was held on February 6th, 2021. It is also known as International Day for Zero Tolerance to FGM. About 350 registered and attended this webinar. Collaboratively, CIMSA UGM empowered our alumni, dr. Ida Ayu Narayani, M.Sc. She is a master of sexual reproductive health and was being an active member since 2010. We also have Dr. Dewi Susilastusti from the Center for Population and Policy Studies (CPPS) UGM.
We have our concern to raise people's awareness and educate society due to the risk of FGM. Hopefully, after doing this project, more people have the same concern as us. Because it is not only a health problem, there also issue on culture.