
(First Aid Basic Training)

OSCE is one of the exams in the medical school curriculum. This exam was held every semester and many of the freshmen were terrified of it as this would be their first time taking the exam.

Some of the reasons why OSCE is quite feared by new medical students is because they are not familiar with it. OSCE is a method to test clinical competence in an objective and structured manner in the form of a station rotation at a certain time. OSCE is different from the usual practical exam as this exam is very suitable with clinical conditions that are very unfamiliar to new students. With the lack of familiarity with how the exam works, students are more likely to feel anxious, which could result in lower grades, in addition to that, online classes exacerbate students’ anxiousness, as tutors can’t exactly show certain skills that might be helpful for students due to limited resources, hence, students might feel incapable that they don’t possess the necessary skills or comprehend what to do during the exam.

To solve this problem, SCOME collaborating with HRD Team CIMSA UPH formed an annual event called FACT (First aid basic training). This event was held on 18th September 2021, which consist of a webinar session that discussed basic first aid knowledge by dr. Nicholas Gabriel. After that, the participants were put into a breakout room and a tutoring session was held with a tutor from senior members of CIMSA UPH. Here, students can discuss problems their encounter during the course and practice with their peers in a relaxed environment. Furthermore, after receiving training from doctors and also guidance from senior members of CIMSA UPH, the participants did an OSCE simulation with the tutors and also provide tips so that students will be more prepared for their OSCEs. This simulation was done in hope that the new students can adapt to the real OSCE environment.

For the tutoring and simulation session, participants and tutors will be split into 7 different groups, each group consisting of 9 participants and 2 tutors. Through this, we hope that new students could gain more regarding basic first aid and could adapt to the real OSCE environment.


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