Exchange Fair: See The World - SCORE CIMSA UNSEOD

Exchange Fair: See The World - SCORE CIMSA UNSEOD


The rapid advancement of knowledge in the field of healthcare is driving healthcare practitioners to continually enhance their knowledge and skills. For medical students, a strong understanding and application of research have positive implications for their future careers in addressing various challenges within the profession, whether as researchers or healthcare professionals. Research, particularly in the realm of medical education and healthcare professions, plays a crucial role in understanding societal dynamics and technological advancements, enabling individuals to adapt to these developments. The progress of research in medical education in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, continues to encounter several challenges, including unpublished research, insufficient mastery of research methodology, and lack of funding sources, potentially resulting in research that is not relevant to societal needs. Meanwhile, in developed countries, research in medical education is driven by social needs and its outcomes are utilized as the basis for decision-making regarding the direction of medical education. Consequently, there is a necessity for research exchange programs for medical students, aimed at providing opportunities for students to enhance healthcare research in Indonesia with innovations from developed nations.

SCORE as a standing committee that has a focus in the field of research and exchange conducts Exchange Fair : See The World activities. This activity is organized by SCORE CIMSA Unsoed. The purpose of Exchange Fair : See The World is to increase the knowledge and awareness of medical students regarding the IFMSA Research Exchange Program. This event consists of pre-activity training, main activity including seminar, exhibition, also post activity like talk show and roadshow to several universities to promote the program. Pre-activity training was held online with the topic ‘All About SCORE Exchange’ brought by LORE CIMSA UNSOED 2023/2024 & Nore Assistant for Outgoing 2023/2024. The seminar has two topics to discuss. The first topic was ‘SHA SE GO! Sharing Session Outgoing Moment With the Expert’ brought by Ghina Khairunnisa, former outgoing IFMSA Egypt. The second topic was ‘SCORE BRADER : Sharing Study Abroad & Motivation Letter’ brought by dr. Bara Kharisma as LPDP Awardee.


The whole events went smoothly as expected. The speakers presented the material very comprehensively and easily understood. The Pre-Activity that was held on Saturday, March 2nd 2024, via Zoom Meeting was attended by 15 participants consisting of SCORE CIMSA’s UNSOED OCs. Meanwhile, the main activity that was held on Saturday, March 9th 2024 at Gedung E FK UNSOED attended by 31 participants. For the post activity roadshow, we invited medical students from University of Muhammadiyah Semarang, University of Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, University of Wahid Hasyim Semarang, and University of Bosowa Makassar with Michelle Abigail as the speaker, talking about IFMSA Research Exchange Program. We also held a very interesting Talk Show with NMO Slovenia. In the Talk Show about ‘Exploring The Exciting Opportunities of Slovenia’s Research Exchange Program and Discover The Wonders It Has to Offer’, we were discussing about the Research Exchange Program in Slovenia.

By holding this event, we hope that it will raise students knowledge and awareness, with a bonus of interest to join the IFMSA Research Exchange Program.


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