Hello, CIMSA! Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) and Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) CIMSA UNRI have successfully held Exchange Fair on April 11th – 18th, 2020. It was our honor to participate in one of CIMSA’s mandatory activities. At our local this activity was held online due to the COVID – 19 situation that is occurring around the world.
This activity consists of two parts. The first part was a sharing session regarding the exchange program via Instagram (@cimsaunri) from 11th – 17th April 2020. The information that we shared consists of what exchange fair is, the qualifications to join professional and research exchange, how to apply for exchange, what the country choices are, and finally the various country levels.
The second part of the event was a seminar that was held on 18th April 2020. The seminar was held on an application called Free Conference Call. The seminar consists of a talk show, a brief explanation about registration guidelines from LORE and LEO, and games by KAHOOT!. First there was an explanation about registration guidelines from LORE and LEO CIMSA UNRI. Before the explanation, we gave out a pre-test to find out the participant’s knowledge on the information that we have shared through Instagram, and the same goes for the post-test. We explained everything about the exchange program such as the countries students could choose, how long the exchange is going to last, how much is the exchange costs, and lots of other things you should know before applying for the exchange. The second agenda is a talk show from our ex – outgoing, Yovie Suryani for the Research Exchange outgoing to Morocco and dr. Deby Andita for the Professional Exchange outgoing to Germany. They gave the participants a lot of insight on why we should participate in the exchange program, the experiences they got through the exchange, the obstacles that occurred during the exchange, what to prepare before joining the exchange program, how much it probably costs for the exchange, why they chose those countries, culture differences they had to overcome. The speakers also gave motivation to those who wanted to join the exchange program. Our speakers felt that exchange was a life-changing, once in a lifetime opportunity that everyone should not miss.