(End Rape Culture Through Education)
International Women's Day (IWD) is crucial to commemorate. It shows the world that women are supposed to have equal rights compared to men. Women still experienced sexual harassment, both verbally and physically. Even today, many women did not report the abuse they have experienced against the authorities. There are several reasons why the victim of sexual harassment does not want to report what happened. It could be because of the feeling of embarrassment or being threatened by the perpetrator. With no reported incidents of sexual harassment, there are still many perpetrators out there undetectably by society. Victims of sexual harassment will experience a trauma that will never be forgotten for the rest of their lives.
ERADICATE (End Rape Culture Through Education) is an activity to commemorate International Women's Day (IWD 2021). Here we educate the public about rape culture, whose incidence is still relatively high in Indonesia. It is expected that educated people will be more capable of spreading awareness to their surroundings. The perpetrators themselves are expected to be aware of their actions and stop their sexual harassment behavior.
ERADICATE conducts several interventions, webinars, educational videos, podcast series, also social experiments. The webinar discusses three topics from 3 capable speakers.
The first topic is "Rape Culture in General" by Mr. Norcahyo Budi Waskito (Male Involvement Officer in Gender Unit at UNFPA).
The second topic discusses “Sexual Violence Complaint Services” by Mrs. Khotimun Sutanti, S. H. (Coordinator of the Daily Implementation of the Association of LBH APIK Indonesia).
Furthermore, the last topic discussed "Forensic Medical Examination on Victims of Sexual Violence" by dr. M. Afiful Jauhani, M. H., Sp. FM. From Medical Faculty of Universitas Jember, he is also a Vice Chairman of Perhimpunan Dokter Forensik Indonesia Jawa Timur. The three topics were insightful, and the webinar registrants were around 500 people. The topic of sexual violence is indeed lovely to the public.
The webinar program ran quite smoothly and lively because the participants were active in asking questions. The educational videos brought up rape culture; it was uploaded at CIMSA UNEJ's TikTok and Instagram account. Educational videos are made as attractive as possible. It got many views that are expected to educate the public well. Furthermore, there is also a podcast uploaded on Spotify with the theme "Revenge Porn." We invite a speaker from CLSA (Criminal Law Student Association) Universitas Jember. Finally, ERADICATE also held a social experiment through Instagram, which is conducted by sharing two snapgrams containing a case of sexual harassment. There is a question box for respondents to fill out. The themes in the case are 'boys will be boys and 'catcalling.'