



On March 9th-12th, SCOPH CIMSA UNEJ held an event called ECHO (Exchange Cigarette for Healthier Organs) in order to celebrate the World No Tobacco Day. The event consists of member training, campaign, and seminar. The members were given a training about how to educate others and ask them to stop smoking by our Local Public Officer, Nurul Indah Saffanah. It was held on March 9th, 2018 in faculty of medicine Universitas Jember’s lecture room. The event was attended by all SCOPH CIMSA UNEJ members and the tips and tricks were so extraordinary.

After having a pre-project training, we finally went to some other faculties, such as Law Faculty, Economic and Business Faculty, Mathematics and Science Faculty, and some more in two days. We divided the members into 2 teams to make it more effective and efficient to educate the targets. We educate a group of people who were having their free time and absolutely with holding their cigarettes. We came to them and asked whether they want to hear our campaign or not. After having their acceptance, we gave them a paper of pre-test to evaluate their prior knowledge about cigarette and its danger.

We let them did the pre-test for 5 minutes, and then we continue to educate them. We gave a little education about the effect of cigarettes for both the smokers and the environment, also about how to stop smoking. The response that we got were various, some of them disagree or even reject our explanation.

Before leaving the targets, we gave them a paper of post-test to evaluate our campaign. We also ask the whether they want to trade their cigarettes with probiotic drinks. Even though not all of them decided to trade their cigarettes, however we got a total of 22 people agreed to trade it.

The campaign ended on March 11th 2018, and continued by seminar. The seminar was held in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jember’s lecture room on March 12 at 4 pm. We invited our honorable speaker, dr. Hendry Cleodora Romeo from RS Paru Jember to have his time presenting about cigarette and its danger. The seminar was attended by more than 30 undergraduate students of Universitas Jember. We also gave some free probiotic drinks as a reward for the first 25 audiences. The seminar took over 2 hours and we found a lot of enthusiasm from the audiences by asking so many questions about cigarettes from various perspectives.

Through this project, we highly hope that we can share our concern about the danger of smoking and help the others to get a better life.


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