

(Educational Academic Guidance for Learning Enrichment)


New medical students frequently ask one very important question: “Am I going to survive medical school?” and considering how different it is compared to senior high school, uneasiness is expected.

The new environment is one of the few factors as to why new medical students struggle in class. Unlike senior high school, medical schools have a different educational system. The change from a small class where teachers teach them eye to eye to professors teaching a huge class, is huge enough that new students struggle to keep up, especially during their first semesters. Unfortunately, students cannot freely ask questions towards their professors if they have troubles regarding the class, because professors aren’t just teachers but also professionals, therefore aren’t readily available for medical students to ask questions to them. New students also tend to not ask questions due to peer pressure in huge classes. This factor affects heavily into their grades, making them feel more pressured and eventually lose their motivation to study.

To solve this problem, SCOME x HRD Team CIMSA UPH created a new program called EAGLE (Educational Academic Guidance for Learning Enrichment). EAGLE is a small study group session that reviews the current block with senior students of CIMSA UPH as tutors. EAGLE also consists of EAGLE trial, which is the same program prepared specifically for new candidates of CIMSA UPH during the recruit of new members. Unlike normal classes, EAGLE provides a relaxed environment where students can freely discuss questions to their seniors and peers, which increases their motivation to study.

During EAGLE Trial, students undergoing the block CTB discuss biochemistry, which is a difficult topic according to new students. Alongside providing a relaxed environment, new students can create new friends with senior students. In addition, students are also being prepared for their new medical student life and senior students of CIMSA UPH can increase their ability as peer educators.

The module was created in early August 2020 by SCOME and HRDD CIMSA UPH members. CIMSA UPH then held two EAGLE Trials on 20th August and 10th September 2020 with a duration of 90 minutes, through Zoom Platform. During the event, there were 5 small study groups, each group study session consists of 2 tutors and 10 participants. In short, EAGLE Trial provides an environment for peer discussion where normal classes can’t, in hopes to increase their grades.


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