(Do Research and Make a Poster)
Many people think research is a boring thing to do when; in fact, there are still many university students who still struggle in doing that. Doing research and publicizing it, such as making a poster, is very beneficial for us, especially as a medical student.
Therefore on November, 27th, 2020, SCORE CIMSA FK UIN SH held an activity called DURAMATER, which stands for ‘Do Research and Make a Poster’ and was the series of SCORE Goes Public Level 3 activities through Zoom Meeting with Rona Binham, a founder of ronapresentasi.com and a digital content creator as the speaker with the participants were pre-clinical students of Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta.
A few days before the webinar, SCORE CIMSA FK UIN SH held mini-research-themed Students' Motivation During Pandemic by spreading questionnaire and primary assessment via Google Form pre-clinical students as their specified sample. The data gotten was immediately processed with Google Docs, Microsoft Excel, and SPSS Software by members together through Zoom Meeting. The final result of the research became the primary material for the webinar day.
On the webinar day, Rona Binham, as the speaker, explained and gave a brief demo on how to compose excellent infographic posters using an available application such as the latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint. After that, the participants were divided into break out rooms based on their groups and were told to compose at least one infographic poster which contains the result of SCORE CIMSA FK UIN SH mini-research. Each committee had to supervise at least one break out room to help them brainstorm since the break out of the room only lasted for about 10 minutes. The posters must be collected in a Google Drive maximum of two days after the webinar. The participants were active and enthusiastic during the webinar; many asked the speaker questions about their confusion.
Finally, all groups ultimately collected their infographic posters on Sunday, and the speaker had to decide the three best posters to be the winners. Their ability to make infographic posters had shown through that competition. We all hope they will be much easier on publicizing their research with infographic posters since the media is very common, more interesting, and easier to read by society.