On Wednesday, 20th May of 2020, SCORP CIMSA FK Unisba held an event called “Donasi Social Worker”. This donation was held in collaboration with Suara Mahasiswa. This event is a form of support and assistance to people affected by the pandemic COVID-19. The benefit of this event is to foster a sense of concern for people who experience economic difficulties. The target of this event is workers who experience ”Putus Hubungan Kerja (PHK)” and people who only have daily income. The results of this donation is Rp4,100,000.00 were converted into 53 food packages.
Data collection techniques recipient of donations is to record data from the report obtained from the social media or from a member of CIMSA and Suara Mahasiswa who have a neighbors or acquaintances who affected COVID-19. The event starts at 2 pm until 5.30 pm. When events take place, the distribution of food packages is distributed separately and established in made according to their domicile groups.
This donation was carried out in several areas in Bandung Raya. The events work very well in accordance with an arrangement of events and only had a few obstacles regarding the unclear package recipient's address and there were some recipients of the basic food packages that did not have cellphone numbers so it was difficult to contact them. Besides that, the obstacle in this event was due to the existence of PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that the committee had a bit of difficulty in distributing food packages because many roads in Bandung Raya were closed and the committee had to find roads that were not closed and can be traversed.
The social worker donation event is a very useful event, especially during the pandemic COVID-19. Besides being beneficial to the recipients of the nine-basic-necessities package, this event was very useful for members who distributed the basic food packages because we could learn how to be useful for others and have empathy especially when a pandemic was happening like this.
Events like this should be there all the time because there are so many people who are less able or have economic problems out there. Whether it's a pandemic or not, a donation program will definitely be very beneficial for those who are struggling. My hope for the future is that there are many people who care about each other and hopefully could help each other.