
Hello, CIMSA!

The COVID-19 pandemic has become an unprecedented emergency for the global community and affects almost every aspect of society, including medical education and healthcare systems. The learning process of medical education around the world, including Indonesia, finally made a massive adaptation that changed the whole learning system from offline to online and changed again to hybrid. In addition, the health care system is also directly affected by the difficulty of conducting consultations and telemedicine has become a solution in the midst of the pandemic situation so that people can get health services from a doctor without having to go to a hospital. In order to welcome the day of adaptation of endemics and increase the knowledge and awareness of SCOME UI members about the development of the medical education system and telemedicine in Indonesia, SCOME CIMSA UI held an event named DECADE (Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic).

On 10th September 2022, DECADE released an infographic on CIMSA UI’s Instagram titled “Tanggapan Mahasiswa Kedokteran Terkait Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi”. The infographic contains opinions from medical students from FKUI regarding their views on the medical education system during the pandemic and what things can be maintained for conditions after the pandemic. The next two days, on 12th September 2022, DECADE uploaded an infographic titled “Perkembangan Telemedicine di Indonesia” which explains about telemedicine and the process of its development in Indonesia.

On 18th September 2022, DECADE held its main event in the form of webinar and talkshow. In the webinar, dr. Diantha Soemantri, MMedEd, PhD, Vice Director of Medical Education Indonesian IMERI FKUI, shares her knowledge to participants about medical education system post pandemic, whether the system is backslide or forward progress. dr. Diantha also shares about the reflection and evaluation of the medical education system that has been implemented during the pandemic. After the webinar session ended, the session continued with a talkshow with Dr. dr. Rita Mustika, M.Epid as Head of the Medical Education Department FMUI and dr. Lukmanul Hafiz as Head of Medical Sales Operations Alodokter (Alomedika) and moderated by dr. Rizky Yudha Irawan an alumni of CIMSA UI, the speakers talked about their perspectives on the development of telemedicine in Indonesia and how medical education responded to the presence of telemedicine.

By holding DECADE 2022, we hope that medical students will have an improved knowledge and awareness about the development of the medical education system and telemedicine in Indonesia.

Standing Committee on Medical Education

Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation’s Health


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