(COVID-19 and Its Impact on Human Rights for Vulnerable People in Indonesia)
World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11st, 2020. Number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is growing very rapidly. The Indonesian government has implemented various measure to deal with and reduce the negative impact of the pandemic on people’s health and livelihoods. It is important to acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures implemented to limit the spread of the pandemic have consequences for human rights, including the rights of health workers and the rights of COVID-19 patients.
Due to these problem, SCORP CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand and SCORP CIMSA FK UIN SH held an activity called CONSTANTINE. CONSTANTINE which stands for ‘COVID-19 and Its Impact on Human Rights for Vulnerable People in Indonesia’, is an activity in a form of campaign in celebrating the human rights day on December 10th, 2020. By this activity, we want to provide people understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on life, health rights, and stigma against health workers and COVID-19 patients.
This activity have a goal accomplished training of 38 members of SCORP CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand and SCORP CIMSA FK UIN SH regarding impact of COVID-19 on human rights in Indonesia and public webinar to 150 participants through Zoom meeting.
This activity had done 3 parts of events. The first is training, this training was delivered by HRT to members of SCORP with the theme “The Rights of Health Workers and Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic” which was held on December 11st, 2020.
The second is Webinar, which was held on December 12th, 2020, with the speakers from Amnesty International Indonesia, Muhamad Eka Ari P. talking about protection of the rights of health workers, Indonesian Ministry of Health, dr. Upik Rukmini, MKM talking about the rights of health workers and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian Medical Association region West Sumatra, dr. Ilham Hariyadi R. talking about corona virus disease 2019. Meanwhile the moderator is from SCORP CIMSA FK UIN SH alumnus, Raden M. Hidayat, S.Ked.
The last is Talkshow, which was held on December 13th, 2020, with the speakers from SATGAS COVID-19, dr. Gia Pratama and Ahmad Fauzi as survivor of COVID-19. The talkshow was moderated by Nakia Kalioriza G. from NCORP 2020-2021.
Hopefully this activity can add insight to members and the public about the impact of COVID-19 on human rights for vulnerable people in Indonesia.