(Podcast Obrolan Bersama SCORA CIMSA UNISSULA)
Hi CIMSA! On August 21st, 2021, SCORA CIMSA Lokal UNISSULA held a podcast called COBRA: Podcast Obrolan Bersama SCORA CIMSA UNISSULA with two amazing speakers from Duta GenRe Semarang 2021 Aulia Azzumardila Adzra and Miftah Aly Yaqin. Duta GenRe (Generasi yang Punya Berencana) is a program launched by the government through the BKKBN. The programs play a role in disseminating four substances, including bangga kencana, kesehatan reproduksi, life skill mengenai memanfaatkan peluang yang ada, dan bagaimana remaja bisa merencanakan kehidupan berkeluarga. This podcast episode discusses cervical cancer starting from the definition, epidemiology, the distribution of the survivor in Indonesia, especially in Central Java, handling, and prevention. In addition, this podcast also explains how to detect cervical cancer early, such as the Pap smear method, starting from the requirements to the steps in doing a Pap smear. They also shared some valuable tips; "CERDIK," which stands for Cek kesehatan secara teratur, Enyahkan asap rokok, Rajin beraktivitas fisik, Diet sehat dengan kalori seimbang, Istirahat, Kelola stress.
This podcast was recorded via Zoom Meeting and was published on IG TV Instagram account @CIMSAUNISSULA and Spotify account CIMSA UNISSULA. Before the podcast was published, a pretest about cervical cancer was done through the IG story in the CIMSA Instagram account to measure public knowledge about cervical cancer. A post-test also was done after the podcast was published. To find out the project's success, we looked at the comparison of the data from the pretest and posttest results, the number of viewers on IG TV, and the number of podcast listeners. Although the event can't be held offline, this event can run smoothly and well. With the publication of this podcast, it is hoped that it can positively influence and increase awareness and knowledge about cervical cancer, especially for women and the public. It is hoped that the listeners become more understanding and can convey the knowledge obtained to others.