(Care About Reproductive Cancer)
According to the Global Cancer Observatory, cervical cancer is one of the top causes of death globally. As for reproductive cancer cases, data obtained from Dharmais Cancer Hospital in 2018 showed that in Indonesia, the 2nd most cancer cases were cervical cancer, with 10.69%. For male cancer cases, prostate cancer ranked in fifth place, with a percentage of 8.49%. To commemorate Cancer Awareness Day that falls on the 4th of February and promote reproductive cancer awareness, SCORA and SCOPH CIMSA UKDW created an online seminar called CARE or Care About Reproductive Cancer. A week before the seminar was held, the committee's committees did a prior assessment that was done to investigate how much information the public has regarding reproductive cancer. The results showed that although the respondents knew about most of the basic stuff about reproductive cancer, there were still tons left untouched, especially about cervical and prostate cancer, hence why the theme for this seminar was chosen.
This seminar, or what we now often called webinars during the pandemic, was held on Saturday, 27th of February 2021, at 10 am through the platform Zoom. Considering the event, many people joined the webinar, consisting of educative sessions delivered by dr Ahmad Zulfan H, Sp.U, and dr Shinta Prawitasari, M.Kes, SpOG(K). They shared much information about cervical and prostate cancer, preventive measures, and early cancer detection steps.
This webinar also had friendly talk show sessions with cervical and prostate cancer survivors, DR H Rahmat Shah and Mrs. Rista Aditiawati. Although the event was held online, participants were highly interactive and participative during the whole session. The committee itself also did a great job on the event, even though most of the members were newbies and freshmen.
Fortunately, looking at the pretest and post-test given to the participants showed a significant increase in their scores. So it can be concluded that this event did its job of educating its participants. With this event, SCORA and SCOPH CIMSA UKDW hope that it will raise the public’s awareness on reproductive cancer, such as prostate and cervical cancer; promoting early cancer detection; lowering the number of victims with preventive steps, and also gives hope and strength for other reproductive cancer victims and give them the support that they need and deserve.