(CIMSA UI's TB Prevention Initiative)
Indonesia holds second place on TB cases globally based on WHO, making it an urgent problem. The problems arise from the patients themselves, the Pengawas Menelan Obat (PMO), and the Kader TB. From the first assessment done by CAPTIVE to the general public, it’s found that there’s a lack of knowledge and positive actions from people regarding TB and immunity in preventing it. The second assessment assessed the TB patients, PMO, and the Kader TB. This assessment showed moderate knowledge and positive actions toward the TB treatment process. However, the rise of Multi-drug Resistance to TB becomes more significant in Indonesia. So, it is essential to educate people about TB’s preventive measures and educate people with TB on how to prevent their condition from worsening. Due to the urgency of this matter, CIMSA UI presents CAPTIVE that is aimed not only at the general public but also for the TB patients, the PMO, and Kader TB.
CAPTIVE aimed to enhance people’s understanding of TB in general, immunity in TB prevention, and to fight TB’s stigma. The event also aims to improve patients’ and PMO’s knowledge about treatment adherence in preventing TB-MDR. Other than that, CAPTIVE seeks to help Kader TB affected by the pandemic and enhance the understanding and educating skills of the members of SCOPH CIMSA UI.
CAPTIVE focused the event on preventing TB in healthy people, progression of TB-MDR in TB patients, breaking the stigma, and maximizing the role of PMO in treatment. The event is held in three parts: pre-event with air campaign; the main event comprised of semi-webinar talk shows with specialized topics for the general public and the patients/PMO/Kader TB delivered by the representative from WHO, The Ministry of Health of Indonesia, expert physician, and a TB-MDR survivor. There were also educational games booth, stigma clarification with TB survivors, and free consultation sessions for the TB patients. Lastly, the post-event comprises of academic video competition, PMO’s Medication Supervision Challenge, and fundraising.
The main event was held through Zoom on Saturday, May 1, 2021, through a zoom platform, with 136 registered participants participating. Both the general participants and patients/ PMO/ Kader participants were enthusiastic about the event. The positive impact obtained from this activity was an increase in the average post-test score. Participants had a better understanding of TB in general as well as TB treatment.