Diabetes mellitus is defined as a metabolic disease that makes the body unable to produce insulin, a hormone that functions to affect the balance of blood glucose or even cannot use insulin in the body. Diabetes mellitus itself can be caused by Type One and type two. Type one Diabetes mellitus is called by genetics. Type two Diabetes is found due to unhealthy lifestyles such as being less active. Diabetes prevention in Indonesia has increased from 5.7% in 2007 to 6.9% or about 9.1 million people in 2013. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Atlas in 2017, shows that Indonesia is ranked 6th in the world with several diabetes in as many as 10.3 million people. Based on Kemenkes RI, 2018, in Malang City, people with diabetes numbered 9,214 people in 2019. We hope CANDY can be a small step to increase the knowledge and awareness of Malang people to know more about diabetes by training from SCOPH CIMSA UMM members, air campaigns, and ground campaigns. CANDY is a project of SCOPH CIMSA UMM to celebrate Diabetes Day, which falls on November 14, 2022. Before conducting the campaign, pre-project training is needed to increase the
insight of OC and SCOPH members to know a healthy lifestyle and awareness of diabetes and train how to do blood sugar checks. The material was brought by PHL CIMSA UMM, Dimas Rahman. The highlight of the event was held on Sunday, November 13, 2022, at Car Free Day Ijen Malang with the target of the general public of Malang City. The event was filled with health checks that occurred during blood sugar checks and blood pressure checks. Then, the activities closed with a flash mob about diabetes. OC gained a lot of experience during the holding of this event, and the participants showed great enthusiasm, as can be seen from the number of participants. At the end of the project, they agreed that they had gained a lot of knowledge about diabetes which encouraged them to share this knowledge with their families at home. The participants were also happy and hoped for similar events like this in the future again. Overall, these activities are intended to celebrate International World Diabetes Day by raising awareness about the disease through the CIMSA Program: Noncommunicable Diseases.
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