
Hello CIMSA!

As of September 2021, up to 13,273 refugees are registered by UNHCR in Indonesia, with up to 56% of them are coming from Afghanistan, 10% from Somalia, and 7% from Iraq. The reasons refugees and asylum seekers leave their countries, such as forced displacement due to armed conflict, persecution or natural disasters put significant psychological stress on them. Refugees not only experience atrocities prior to their flight, their living conditions in host countries can lead to higher levels of stress and hardship. Refugees with preexisting mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and psychosis, often face greater challenges when trying to navigate asylum systems. To commemorate the International Day of Peace and World Mental Health Day, SCORP and SCOPH CIMSA UI collaborated to raise public’s awareness regarding refugees’ and asylum seekers’ mental health conditions by holding an activity named CALM to REMEDY (Care and Aware for the Mental Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers).

On September 24th, CALM to REMEDY held a one day event of two webinars and a talkshow with the theme of “Refugees: The Untold Story and Place” on the topic of both mental health and refugees. The webinar “PTSD and Depression 101” was presented by dr. Heriani, SpKJ(K), an expert on psychotherapy from the Psychiatry Department of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, and discussed the susceptibility of refugees to experience mental health issues, such as PTSD and depression. The next webinar “Refugees in Indonesia: How Are They?”, presented by Zico Efraindio Pestalozzi from SUAKA, talked about the conditions and hardships of refugees in Indonesia.

On October 14th, the volunteers of CALM to REMEDY’s Air Campaign participated in an introductory workshop regarding Peer Counselor Training inviting Dra. Wiene Dewi Toorisnawati, Psikolog and Mukhtar, S.Psi as experts from HIMPSI. The volunteers were enlightened about how to give emotional support as a peer counselor for people around them through a presentation session and case discussions.

On October 16th, CALM to REMEDY’s main event, Ground Campaign, was held at Kalideres Shelter. The event started with an aerobic session and games session for the children. Then, a meditation session by Dra. Wiene Dewi Toorisnawati, Psikolog was held for adult refugees. The committees and volunteers interacted with the refugees through a sharing session at the end of the day.

Through CALM to REMEDY, we hope that the committees, volunteers, and public would be more aware and care about the conditions of our refugees’ friends, especially in Indonesia. They are currently living in uncertainty and need all the help we could give. For humanity, let’s fight for peace.


Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace
Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation's Health


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