(Berantas Stunting dengan ASI Eksklusif, Imunisasi, dan, Sanitasi)
As the schedule that had been released before, the second intervention was held from Saturday, September 19th, 2020 until Sunday, September 20th, 2020. In this intervention, we had a Sanitation Class. Sanitation is one of the main topics in our community development this year, since it is crucial to take care of and maintain it to prevent stunting in children.
The intervention was held synchronously via WhatsApp video call. Firstly, the cadres of Desa Jatiroke, Jatinangor were divided into four groups of 6 people. Each group paired with 2 BUNDA GEULIS’s committees as the facilitators that lead the class for the cadres. The activity started with an introduction of the group members first, then continued with the class session.
The lecture given by the facilitators in the class was so specific and detailed. They explained about the definition of sanitation, the importance and the purpose of it, especially in preventing so many diseases, and how to implement good sanitation according to the 5 pillars of STBM (Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat). They consist of Stop Buang Air Besar Sembarangan (SBS), Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS), Pengelolaan Air Minum dan Makanan Rumah Tangga (PAMM - RT), Pengamanan Sampah Rumah Tangga, and Pengamanan Limbah Cair Rumah Tangga.
Sanitation is also play a crucial role in preventing stunting in children. A place without good sanitation is very susceptible to infections which can cause diarrhea and helminth infection. These kinds of infections can inhibit the growth and development in children because of the nutrition depletion which can lead them to slowly developing stunting. So, good knowledge and preparation of sanitation can keep our children from stunting.
The class was so fun and interactive. The facilitator was so good at explaining these materials to the cadres who also were very active in the whole session. All cadres were very enthused in paying attention to the materials and discussing the topic. They also didn’t want to miss anything from the lecture and even asked the lecturer to repeat if they’re a little bit slow in catching the materials. This intervention was closed with the group photo for documentation of the activity.
We hope that this intervention can give so much valuable knowledge to the cadres. There is still one intervention with two materials before the closing day. We hope that this whole activity can give endless benefits to the cadres and the people in Desa Jatiroke, Jatinangor.