BTS 2020
(Breaking The Silance)
Anamnesis is a way to communicate between a doctor and patient to gain information about the patient's illness and other related information to diagnose the patient's disease. To make the right diagnosis, every doctor needs to have good communication skills. Patients with physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory disabilities may have difficult communication experiences, especially in getting health services. The only way to facilitate their communication, the deaf always use sign language. So, SCOME CIMSA FK UIN SH created a Community Development called BTS (Breaking The Silence). This community development is created to train medical students of FK UIN SH Jakarta about sign language or Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BISINDO) to support dead patients' communication. We are known as Teman Tuli during anamnesis. We had distributed the primary assessment on November 27th and got 30 students of FK UIN SH Jakarta who need to follow the sign language training.
On December 18th, we had organized the 1st Intervention of BTS (Breaking The Silence) via Zoom Clouds Meeting and divided it into several breakout rooms. We discussed "Dasar Bahasa Isyarat" with a speaker Laura Lesmana Wijaya, M.A, as a head of Pusat Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (PUSBISINDO).
We continued with a sign language class with Agus Subroto and Iwan Satryawan as Guru Pusat Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (PUSBISINDO). For the sign language class, the participants were divided into two groups with each teacher. The participant was very anthusiast following the sign language class from the beginning until the class end. At the end of the activity, we also held a role player session by dividing the participant into six groups. It was held for the participant to memorize what has been taught at the sign language class before.
We are delighted to see the participants' enthusiasm and the speakers for the first intervention yesterday. We are also very grateful to know that the post-test scores given at the end of the activity have increased from the pre-test given previously. Hopefully, this activity can be useful for all participants and can continue to run smoothly until the next intervention. We hope that the lessons learned from this activity can increase knowledge about sign language and be applied to daily life and applied when doing anamnesis or history taking with deaf patients when becoming a doctor in the future.