

(Breaking the Silence)


On 9 November 2019, SCOME CIMSA Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana held Breaking The Silence in Room 3.1 in Eudia Building. Breaking The Silence is one of SCOME's project and part of the CIMSA Program Human Resources for Health. The main focus of Breaking The Silence is doctor-patient communication skills (sign language). This project aims to promote sign language and empower medical students to learn simple sign language. Why do medical student need to learn sign language? It is because later in clinical situations, we cannot choose our patients. As a doctor, we must treat patients without looking at their background. That’s why it’s possible to meet people with deafness. Another aim of this project is to build a good relationship with PUSBISINDO and increase tolerance towards people with deafness. Breaking The Silence was already held last year and since the first-year and second-year students agree on its importance, BTS was held once again this year.


Based on data from Dinas Sosial Kota Yogyakarta in 2018, there are 234 people with deafness. Data from SUPAS in 2015 also states that there are 1.853 people with total deafness all over DIY. Moreover, last year, people were very excited to learn sign language.

Breaking The Silence started around 09.00 am and finished around 12.00 am. This activity took approximately 4 hours. First, the participants gathered at Class E 3.1 to register their names. Around 09.30, Breaking The Silence started with a presentation about PUSBISINDO and sign language from PUSBISINDO then had a pre-test to measure success. After the presentation, the participants were separated into 2 groups. Group 1 which consisted of around 15 participants went to class E 3.2 and Group 2 went to class E 3.3. In those classes, they had training with trainers from PUSBISNDO. The training took approximately 75 minutes. Done with the training, they went back to E 3.1 and had a post-test.


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