(Broaden Knowledge About Diabetes)
On Sunday, 7 December 2020, CIMSA FK UNSYIAH held a BREAD (Broaden Knowledge About Diabetes). There are several reasons we held this event, the first to commemorate World Diabetes Day. Second, the lack of public understanding of Diabetes.
This activity was held for one day. The first series of events was opened at 09.00 WIB. The master of ceremony is Esa Humaira, and continued by the moderator is Dr. Provy Pratama. The next series of events was the reciting holy Quran by Aldiansyah and continued greeting from puja sari as a project officer, Nurun Nazira, a local public office, and Hibban Ar-Rayan, a local coordinator of CIMSA FK UNSYIAH 2020/2021. the next series of events was reading the CV of speaker one and continued with speaker one by dr. Iflan Naufal, Sp, GK., M.SclH. After the delivery of material, one is followed by reading the CV of speaker two and presentation of material by Dr. Sarah Firdausa, M.Md.Sc.Sp.PD.
The next series of events is to open a question and answer session from participants for presenters, then continue with a door prize session. The moderator and speaker certificates continued with the participants filling out the post-test; before closing the event, we had a photo session together. The event ended at 12.00.
We can see that the participants' knowledge increased after the speaker delivered the material from the pre-test and post-test. This positive impact can conclude that this activity was successful.