(Breast Cancer Awareness Month)
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a health campaign that is Commemorated during October every year around the world. The purpose of this campaign is to raise public awareness of breast cancer. Based on Globocan 2020 data, there is 16.6 percent of breast cancer cases in Indonesia, followed by cervical or cervical cancer which accounts for 9.2 percent of cases. In 2020, compared to cancer cases compared to the total population of 273 million, there were 396,914 new cases with a death rate of almost three quarters, namely 234,511 people. Based on Global 2018 and 2020 data, Indonesia experiences an increase in cancer cases every year due to several factors.
The current COVID-19 pandemic also affects life and the dissemination of information in the community. Providing education to high school youth is one of the important messages that SCORA CIMSA will convey in the 2021 Breast Cancer Awareness Month celebration campaign as a form of CIMSA's commitment to reducing the incidence of non-communicable diseases that focus on breast and cervical cancer in Indonesia.
In commemoration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, SCORA CIMSA UKDW held online counseling with the topic "Breast and Cervical Cancer in The Mindset of The Pandemic: How to Detect, Protect and Prevent". In this outreach, SCORA CIMSA UKDW collaborated with doctors from YKI to present material. Breast & Cervical cancer was held in the form of a webinar and attended by approximately 40 high school students. This webinar is packaged in the form of education that focuses on the prevention of breast and cervical cancer, which can then provide understanding to women, and the people around them about breast and cervical health. Then our goal is also to educate the participants about the symptoms of breast and cervical cancer and how to prevent it and also handle it. In this education, participants discussed with doctors from YKI, namely: Dr. dr. Shinta Prawitasari, M.Kes, SpOG(K)-Obginsos and dr. Wiwiek Probowati, Sp.PD, KHOM, FINASIM and dr. Stevanus Edu Argaswan as moderator.
Even in the COVID-19 pandemic, online counseling can still be carried out properly and participants are quite enthusiastic and interactive. The results of the pretest and posttest given to the participants showed good results