(Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Care About Your Surroundings, So That They Will Care)
Breast Cancer Awareness Month or Breast Cancer Care Month is a health campaign that is celebrated around the world during October every year. This campaign was aimed to increase public awareness of breast cancer. To celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2020, CIMSA's Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS (SCORA) held a campaign that focuses on increasing awareness and knowledge of breast cancer, prevention, treatment, early detection, and its relation to the pandemic through educational movement. In addition, this campaign will also focus on providing support to breast cancer fighters and survivors.
For that, SCORA CIMSA Unimal collaborated with SCORA CIMSA Unsyiah held an event we proudly call as BCAM 2020 : DON'T SCARE LETS CARE ‘Care About Surroundings, So That They Will Care’. We have used Zoom Meetings for webinars and distributed posters through social media including Instagram, Line, WhatsApp and others before the event which was started on 17 October 2020.
The purpose of this event is to give information to the public about ‘Penanganan dokter umum dalam menangani kanker payudara di fasilitas kesehatan tingkat 1’ and ‘Deteksi dini kanker payudara pada pandemi COVID-19’. We have cooporated with a surgeon who has worked in RSU Zainoel Abidin, dr. M. Ifani Syarkawi Rizal, Sp.B as the first speaker and the community ‘Lovepink’ that represented by a survivor who talked about her experience about breast cancer, Mrs. Tri Ortami as second speaker, and also we proudly introduced a moderator which name is dr. Khairunnisa Z, M.Biomed.
During the event, the number of participants who attended was more than 100 and it showed that the participants were more than the target we have set. In general, the participants who attended were the social media community with various ages above 15 years. Since the enthusiasm of the participants especially during the question and the answer session was that good and the rundown went very well, so we could say that the event ran smoothly.
We hope we could hold other people in increasing awareness about breast cancer in any situation especially during the pandemic COVID-19 and also to increase the knowledge about this topic and more carefully for future concern on breast cancer.