(Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2020: Develop Awareness of Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer, Knowledge is Key)
Breast cancer is a common type of cancer in women. According to Globocan by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2018, there are 58.256 cases of breast cancer and followed by cervical cancer with 32.469 cases of the total cancer cases. To commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, SCORA CIMSA FK Unpad held Daybreak. In this project, SCORA CIMSA FK Unpad collaborated with Lovepink, PERABOI (Perhimpunan Ahli Bedah Onkologi Indonesia), YKI (Yayasan Kanker Indonesia) Bandung, and Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung.
The purpose of holding this event is to increase knowledge and raise awareness about breast cancer and cervical cancer so that people, especially women, can understand what is breast cancer and cervical cancer, how to detect them, how to prevent them, and how physiological support can impact the patients. In addition, Daybreak also aims to eliminating the stigma that exists in society regarding cancer and cancer sufferers within one month as measured by increasing post-test scores 20% of the pre-test during the webinar, the number of podcast listeners were 35 people, talk show participants were 50 people, and social media campaign participants reached 35 people.
First, on 10th October 2020, we held a webinar about the importance of prevention with early detection in breast cancer and cervical cancer. The expert we invited was dr. Kiki Akhmad R., SpB(K)Onk, Mkes, M.MRS. In this webinar, the expert introduced SADARI (Periksa Payudara Sendiri) to all participants. This examination goal is to detect breast cancer as early as possible.
After that, we held a podcast named PACAR Bercerita (Para Cancer Survivor) and takes place on 9th October and 1st November 2020. PACAR Bercerita describes the experience of breast cancer and cervical cancer survivors and the conditions of their mental health in dealing with the disease.
The last event was held Live on the Instagram CIMSA FK Unpad on October 31st 2020. We invited Santi Andayani, dr., SpKJ, MMRS. as a speaker to do a talk show about how psychological support can help breast and cervical cancer patients.
Hopefully, Daybreak can increase the knowledge and awareness about breast cancer and cervical cancer as well as its prevention and detection. We also hope that after Daybreak people will also support the cancer fighters.