

(Bring All Your Mental Health Experience)


On 3rd October 2020, SCOPH CIMSA USU held a yearly event to celebrate ‘World Mental Health Day’  called ‘BAYMAX’ — Bring All Your Mental Health Experience. This project consists of: Podcast Release, Online Campaign ,and Webinar. In this project, we talked about ‘How Mental Health Affect Physical Health and Maintaining Healthy Relationship for Healthy Mental’.

The first campaign we did was a podcast which was released in CIMSA USU’s Spotify. We had a talk show with Benny Hosiana Putra as BAYMAX’s Project Officer and a speaker from Department Of Psychiatry, Faculty Of Medicine, University Of North Sumatera. We talked briefly about some of BAYMAX’s main topics: How Mental Health Affect Physical Health. The podcast was released on September, 27th. Then the second Campaign is an online campaign on Instagram, including sharing twibbon and infographic. This second campaign was held on October 1st, 2020.

On the third day of our campaign, October 3rd, 2020, we held a Webinar. The webinar used Zoom Meeting as a platform, and had college students as participants. The event started at 9 in the morning, with opening and brief introduction of CIMSA.

Then we start the webinar with a presentation from Dr.dr. Mustafa Mahmud Amin, M.Ked., M.Sc, Sp.KJ(K) from Departement of Psychiatry University of Sumatera Utara talking about ‘How Mental Health Affect Physical Health’, the high school students listened to the webinar enthusiastically, and also asked various questions during the QnA sessions.

The second presentation was brought by Into The Light Indonesia, the topic was ‘Maintaining Healthy Relationship for Healthy Mental’. As it was a relatable topic in these age, all the participants once again asked questions with excitement.

After all the presentations were completed, we entered the next agenda, namely a Consultation Session with Psychologists from HIMPSI North Sumatra, Radian, and Welas Asih Solo. The first 60 registered participants who were willing to take part in the consultation were divided into 10 groups, where the group division was divided based on the results of the screening conducted by HIMPSI through filling out the Google form so that it was divided based on the participant's related problems.

During the Consultation Session the participants can consult about their mental health with a psychologist, and in the Consultation Group, no committee should enter because of the confidential and private nature of the consultation session.

To close the series of webinars, we took a group photo for documentation and the participants conveyed their impressions and messages about this year's BAYMAX event.


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