(Basic Life Support Knowledge)
Cardiac arrest is one of the most common emergency conditions outside the hospital. The death rate from cardiac arrest is still very high in both developed and developing countries. Based on data from the American Heart Association (AHA) there are at least 2 million deaths per year due to cardiac arrest worldwide. According to Indonesian Heart Association (2015) the incidence of cardiac arrest ranges from 10 out of 100,000 normal people aged under 35 years and annually, 300000-350000 occurrences. In dealing with emergency cardiac arrest cases, an effort is needed to restore and maintain vital organ functions in victims of cardiac arrest and stopping breathing or commonly known as basic life support. Research conducted by Sanghavi, et al (2015) in the United States showed that patients with cardiac arrest who received basic life support had a high survival rate.
BASILISK or Basic Life Support Knowledge is a community development held by SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK UNAND which aims not only to increase medical students awareness and knowledge of basic life support but also to provide them increasing their skills as medical students about basic life support, handling trauma, indications and treatment of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Our goals is to form at least 10 cadres who know and understand how to face patients with trauma and how to do a CPR. This community development focused on one of the CIMSA’s program which is Human Resources for Health.
Zoom meeting session about basic life support, handling trauma, indications and treatment of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
First we formed cadres from medical student in Universitas Andalas. Then, we had three interventions. The first intervention was training by PMI Padang City and studied on how to manage trauma via Zoom Cloud Meetings. The second intervention is a training on how to perform CPR toward cardiac arrest people by PMI Padang City. The third intervention we will conduct case examinations to assess the cadres' knowledge improvement.
Meeting session with PMI Padang City represented by Mr. Ns. Ezzeddin S. Kep
On Saturday, September 5th 2020, the first intervention was held where cadres and members of the SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK UNAND received material on how to handle trauma. PMI Padang City was a resource person for this activity represented by Mr. Ns. Ezzeddin S. Kep, a trainer from PMI. The target of BASILISK is 10 BASILISK cadres and members of the SCOME-CIMSA BEM KM FK UNAND itself.