
(Babarengan Ngameumeut Bumi)

Climate change has progressively worsened over the past decades due to increased greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. In 2020, the global atmospheric CO2 passed 410 ppm, well over safe CO2 levels. The COVID-19 pandemic has also exacerbated this issue through rocketing amounts of medical and plastic waste. Even in this situation, companies in certain industries still manipulate the public by claiming that they are more eco-friendly than in actuality.

To address these issues, SCORP-CIMSA FK Unpad designed BAMBI (Babarengan Ngameumeut Bumi) with seven main events throughout September 2021. The main events were Live Instagram, Grand Opening, challenge, and four workshops. BAMBI aims to raise public awareness and knowledge about climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, and greenwashing whilst encouraging implementation of sustainable living.
Before the event, SCORP members received training from Nabila as HRMP about human rights in relation to climate change. On September 11th, we held a talk show through Instagram with Nala Amirah from, about “Contribution of Youth on Sustainable Living”. Our second intervention, “A Sustainable Day in My Life” challenge spanned in the week afterwards. We challenged the public to mix and match their own way of living sustainably which they shared through Instagram.

BAMBI’s Grand Opening was held on September 18th with Tomi Haryadi from UNEP, as resource person, about “Climate Change: Environmental or Humanitarian Issue”. Immediately afterwards, we held the first half of our “WFH: Waste From Home'' workshops which focused on food and medical waste management. On September 25th, the second half of our workshops was held with the topics of paper and domestic waste management. Our resource persons were Salmah from EcoEnzyme Nusantara, Dr. Sri Yusnita Irda Sari, dr., M.Sc from the Public Health Department of FK Unpad, Chandra from KertasbyAlin, and Santi from Kertabumi Recycling Center.
Beside those interventions, we published air campaigns that you can check via Instagram (@cimsafkunpad) and recruited volunteers to broaden BAMBI’s impact. BAMBI also sold merchandise in which 100% of the profits were donated to LindungiHutan for reforestation efforts in Pantai Bahagia, Bekasi.

Through BAMBI, we expected SCORP-CIMSA FK Unpad members and public knowledge regarding greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable living, and greenwashing to rise, thus contributing in resisting climate change. Collectively, all BAMBI interventions were successful and our goals were achieved. We hope our activity can be the initial step in implementing sustainable living as a way to individually combat climate change. 


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