AUNTIE CENTIL 2nd Intervention
(Atasi Stunting dengan Meningkatkan ASI Eksklusif, Antenatal Care, Sanitasi, Imunisasi, dan Pola Asuh)
After the successful first intervention on our community development activity AUNTIE CENTIL we continued our series of interventions into the second one. On September 25th and October 2nd, AUNTIE CENTIL held the 2nd intervention. After successfully introducing AUNTIE CENTIL and bonding with cadres during the 1st intervention, we invited cadres to learn more about ways to prevent stunting in children.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we still need to carry out the rest of our activity online via Zoom Meetings which may result in the information not being transferred properly, but it’s a necessary precaution to mitigate the spread of the virus.
Auntie Centil is divided into 3 interventions, each of which has a different purpose. In this article, we’re talking about the second intervention which acts as a way to educate the cadres. We held a series of talk shows with various doctors that specialize in the field of our topics. That way the cadres can get the information from a credible source and ask questions about the topics.
The first day of the 2nd intervention discussed “Imunisasi, Pantau Tumbuh Kembang Anak, dan Stimulasi” together with Dr. dr. Rodman Tarigan, Sp.A(K), M.Kes. Dr. Rodman opened the discussion by sharing a quote, “To not get stunting is a child’s right” which showed the importance of development in children and the eradication of stunting. Through the discussion session, cadres learned about the fluidity of parenting styles and their component which mainly consists of constant attention to the children's needs. By being attentive, parents will be able to help the children grow and keep track of their development in case of the presence of abnormality. After the discussion, cadres were invited to share their opinion about parenting in a form of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
On the second day we discussed about “Pentingnya Antenatal Care dalam Pencegahan Stunting pada Anak” with Dr. dr. Muhammad Alamsyah Aziz, M.Kes., Sp.OG(K)-KFM, KIC. as the speaker. Doctor Aziz showed us the importance of antenatal care and how we should approach it. We also held a Q&A session so that the cadres can ask questions regarding antenatal care. After the talk show, the cadres participate in a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) via Whatsapp. The cadres enthusiastically welcomed the series of talk shows that were held, as seen from the many questions asked during the Q&A session.
The COVID-19 pandemic didn’t prevent us from doing the activity and the enthusiasm from the cadres motivated us more to have a good impact on others. We hope that we can retain this spirit along with the cadres to continue the activity as we entering the third and final intervention of AUNTIE CENTIL. It has been a really exciting experience so far.