

(Avoid Degue with Preventive Measure)


RW 08, Bandungrejosari, is one of the RWs with a solid residential level. There, residents' houses are close to each other and there is also very limited space for empty land. According to data from the Health Office of the Republic of Indonesia, East Java is a province with the highest incidence of dengue fever (DHF) in Indonesia. And the city with the highest prevalence in East Java is Malang City. Bandungrejosari Village is an area in Malang City with the highest prevalence of dengue fever (DHF). By obtaining this data, SCOPH MSCIA UB held a Community Development called ‘ATTENTIVE’ (Avoid Dengue with Preventive Measure) which aims to provide some educations to residents there about dengue and also how to eradicate it.

Based on information from the local residents, in Bandungrejosari Urban Village, there are often residents who are hospitalized for dengue fever, especially when the rainy season arrives. Many areas around these residential areas are indeed very possible for Aedes mosquitoes to breed, such as standing water, uncovered reservoirs or water tanks, garbage, as well as lush plants or bushes. The residents also complained that in their homes there were lots of mosquitoes roaming around. This is also supported by the geographical conditions where Bandungrejosari Urban Village is passed by a fairly large river, where according to residents' information, this river is the main nest of the mosquitoes.

On September 20th, we gave our second intervention to the ‘ATTENTIVE’ (Avoid Dengue with Preventive Measure) cadres.  The series of events, namely the first one, we give a pre-test to the women cadres accompanied by the facilitator on doing it.  Then we gave the material about ‘Early Detection of Dengue Fever’ which was conveyed by our MSCIA trainer, Nastyazka Subakti, using a poster.

After that we also certainly gave the cadres the opportunity to ask questions regarding the material that had been delivered.  The cadres are very active in conveying some questions. From this we can conclude that the cadres are very enthusiastic on participating the ‘ATTENTIVE’ Community Development’s activities, even though we only give it through the Whats App chat group, it does not dampen the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the cadres. We hope  The knowledge that we convey to the cadres can be useful, increasing knowledge and insight about dengue fever. 


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