ATTENTION 2nd Intervention
(Avoiding Tuberculosis with Prevention and Education)
ATTENTION, also known as Avoiding Tuberculosis with Prevention and Education, is one of CIMSA UGM’s community development, in which teenagers and young adults, ranging from age 17 to 27, from Kecamatan Gondomanan are chosen as participants for our community development. The purpose of this community development is to prevent increasing numbers of tuberculosis in the community by helping teenagers and young adults of the community to educate themselves and the whole community at Kecamatan Gondomanan about tuberculosis. On 9th October 2021, CIMSA UGM held a second intervention which included a recalling session about COVID-19 vs tuberculosis with Instagram filter challenge & education session about tuberculosis grading and its screening methods with dr. Betty Nababan from Zero TB Yogyakarta.
The intervention was held through an online platform, which is ZOOM Meeting, due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation that has not yet to improve in the area. Our focus in this intervention was to recall information about the differences between COVID-19 and tuberculosis from the previous intervention, to give updates on recent situations regarding tuberculosis in Indonesia, and to educate the participants about tuberculosis grading & screening methods.
For our intervention, we started by giving a simple explanation regarding the Instagram filter about COVID-19 vs tuberculosis that has been made by the organizing committee and followed by a pre-test session. After that, we also had a lecture by dr. Betty Nababan from Zero TB Yogyakarta, followed by a discussion session. Then, the organizing committee had a photo session and also arranged a mini game and jamboard session for the community about tuberculosis from dr. Betty’s lecture in order to see whether the community had understood fully about the intervention’s material. The intervention then ended with a post-test session in order to assess the understandings of the community after the intervention.
We sincerely hope that this intervention can improve the knowledge about tuberculosis to the community and bring an impact on suppressing the number of tuberculosis cases in Kecamatan Gondomanan, Yogyakarta. We also hope that the participants of ATTENTION can be a peer educator, educating people around them about tuberculosis, in the near future.