ATMOSPHERE (Awareness of Tuberculosis and Smoking Termination) is an activity with the theme of cutting the spreading of Tuberculosis and Smoking Cessation. This event is held by SCOPH CIMSA Unair to commemorate World Lung Day 2022. The series of ATMOSPHERE activities are divided into 3 events, pre-event, main event and the last one is post-event. For the Pre-event itself, there are 2 events, the first is the internal upgrading of members SCOPH CIMSA Unair about the danger of smoking and tuberculosis. This upgrade was held on September 3, 2022, via Zoom meeting with PHL CIMSA as presenters and was attended by around 36 SCOPH members.
The second series of events was shooting a talk show entitled "TBC and Covid, Which Is More Dangerous?". In this talk show ATMOSPHERE collaborated with Dokter Unair TV and Lung Department in RSDS. Last for the Main event Atmosphere gave a seminar on the dangers of smoking for teenagers to 20 students of SMAN 5 Surabaya and this material was given by one of ATMOSPHERE’s external partners, Green Crescent Indonesia. As for the post-event, an online campaign will be held which will be carried out by uploading online posters on social media.
During carrying out activities ranging from Pre-event to Post-event, of course, many problems were encountered but we managed to encounter all of them. As for the achievements obtained in carrying out the activities. Previously, the committees prepared targets from ATMOSPHERE activities to be used as benchmarks for the performance of each division. Some of the targets have been achieved and exceeded the minimum quantity. We can conclude that by holding ATMOSPHERE we increase the knowledge and awareness of the Indonesian people about tuberculosis.
The entire committee of ATMOSPHERE SCOPH CIMSA Unair would like to thank all the parties who contributed to this event so that this event can be held smoothly without any significant obstacles. We hope that the knowledge and experience we have gained while running projects at this event will serve as evaluation material for us so that we can implement it in our daily lives and improve the quality of performance on projects, committees, or other organizations in the future.
Standing Committee on Public Health
Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation's Health