(AMSA-Unair and CIMSA UNAIR Collaborating on Addressing Rumors About Vaccines)
Recently, the COVID-19 vaccine has been a point of discussion. People in the society have not agreed to or even believe into many hoaxes about vaccination. It moves us as students of FK UNAIR to contribute in clarifying the hoaxes and also inviting people to join the vaccination program. To achieve this goal, the external student organizations, CIMSA UNAIR and AMSA-Unair, initiated a project called ACYCLOVIR (CIMSA UNAIR and AMSA-Unair Collaborating on Addressing Rumors About Vaccines). ACYCLOVIR was composed of several series and brought “COVID-19 Vaccination” as its main theme.
The pre-event started with an open donation for Rumah Sakit Terapung Ksatria Airlangga that aims to help people that are struggling to access proper health facilities. Public figures were also supporters of this donation namely Rafi Ahmad, Giorgino Abraham, and Zsa Zsa Utari. The next series was an Instagram live on May 5th 2021 with the topic of ‘Apakah Vaksin Akhir Perjalanan COVID-19?’ with dr. M. Kamil, a co-founder of @pandemictalks. On May 8th 2021, an internal upgrading for medical students was held to share information regarding vaccines, how to educate people about the varieties of vaccine, and how to influence people to get vaccinated by dr. Dominicus Husada and Abu Rizal. The pre-event was enlivened by opening a submission of performance that would be showcased during the main event and by creating an Instragram filter about COVID-19 edition.
ACYCLOVIR’s main event, CYSTEINE that was fully supported by BEM KM FK UNAIR was held on May 22nd2021 which consists of 2 sessions. The first session was filled by Reisa Broto Asmoro, dr. as the COVID Task Person Spokeswoman with a topic of “Post Vaccines:What’s Next?” which convinced the audience that medical students holds crucial role on correcting the hoaxes about vaccine.
The second session was a Talk Show with Indonesia’s Minister of Health, Mr. Budi Gunadi Sadikin and the head of IDI, Moh. Adib Khumaidi, dr., Sp. OT. The event continued with workshops of activities to do during the pandemic namely journaling, lettering, and cooking. The event was then closed with a charity concert that aims to entertain and invite people to donate.
Lastly, ACYCLOVIR’s post-event was by distributing the donations officially to Rumah Sakit Terapung Ksatria Airlangga and a social media campaign on Instagram. Through this event, we hoped that it was impactful to the society in which people can be enlightened by the information and is influenced to get vaccinated.