(Aku, Bumi dan Cinta)
ABC: Aku, Bumi, dan Cinta is a community development event to commemorate Earth Day every year held by SCORP. The main themes that we bring to ABC this year are environmental issues with the topic of climate change, greening, the movement of less waste through recycling, and reducing the use of plastics.
We’ve conducted two interventions previously regarding climate change and waste reduction. At the third intervention, we educate the attendees on the importance of greening the environment along with practices on growing and taking care of plants, held on Sunday, the 18th of April 2021. We invited Dede Veriyanto, the head of Campaign and Education on Teens Go Green, as our speaker. Similar to the second intervention, in this activity, we focus on one of the causes of climate change, which is deforestation. The act of deforestation can create a huge impact on the environment, which may progress slowly or quickly.
As the attendees know how climate change is affected, we introduce the prevention and reduction methods, which is through the act of greening and reforestation. We provided simple methods that they can start at home and implement in their daily lives, which serves as a first step at being an environmentally aware individual.
In this activity, we've also shared educational infographics to help summarize and concise the topic of discussion. The impact of our activity was assessed through an increase in the average score between pre and post-test, which was an 8.86% increase. Through online feedback forms distributed by the committee, there was an average score of 3.68 out of 4 to which participants believed this activity has increased their understanding regarding the topic. After the activity on Sunday, we invited the community to make their own educational video to retell the topic of intervention. We've also distributed chili plants to the community. The video consisted of how to treat and take care of those plants, and what could be the benefits of greening through the planting of those plants.