ABC: Aku, Bumi, dan Cinta is a community development event to commemorate Earth Day every year held by SCORP. The main themes that we bring to ABC this year are environmental issues with the topic of climate change, greening, the movement of less waste through recycling and reducing the use of plastics.
The first intervention provides insights on the cause and impacts of climate change and was done on Sunday, the 4th of April 2021. Looking at the rising urgency on climate change issues globally and nationally through collected primary and secondary datas, we felt the need to address this topic by increasing awareness. We wisely decided that the first step needed to be taken to achieve this public awareness is to conduct it locally, and we chose Lio Community in Depok as one of those first steps. Lio Village is an area chosen by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia to be assisted at improving the people’s good health and well-being for a 5 years period through community interventions and development. Climate change is an issue with high urgency, 2020 is the second warmest year in the period 1980-2020 in Indonesia, where 2016 was ranked first. Climate change was caused by an increase in global surface temperature (with a rate of 0.002 ° C / year or 0.02 ° C / decade in Indonesia) which disrupts several sectors of life, the global climate system, and causes an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events. Based on the online community assessment we distributed on March 2021 to Lio Village residents, from 49 respondents, from 49 respondents, all respondents believe that climate change can affect health, 35 respondents stated that climate change can be affected by air pollution, 14 believed plastic waste can also be the cause of climate change, and 14 also believe deforestation affects the progression of climate change. This shows that although most respondents are aware of climate change, there are still likely uncertainties on what may cause the development of climate change.
The first intervention was started by a short opening video that exposes the attendees on the environmental problems Indonesia are facing, followed by sharing educational infographic posters made by the committee. The main event was the explanation and a two-way discussion between our resource person and the Lio community regarding climate change, its impact, its causes, and the current condition faced by the community and Indonesia. To bond and keep our participants engaged, besides the interactive discussion, we conducted fun games as a method of ice breaking. Pre and posttest has been distributed as an instrument to assess our impact and increase of knowledge in the community. Overall, the event runs smoothly and the participants were very enthusiastic and open to how climate change and global warming have impacted their community and daily lives. We successfully create a 5.12% increase in knowledge seen through the average score difference between the pre and post-test. Based on the feedback form submitted by the attendees, there was an average 3.84 out 4 points of increase in understanding and knowledge.