
Dear Backbones of CIMSA

We proudly announce names of Capacity Building Festival CIMSA 2020 Trainers. Here are some interesting topics that will be facilitated by our trainers during the event:

Trainer’s Values
dr. M. Rizky Nur Karim – CIMSA FK Unpad

How to be a Good Educator as Trainer 
Ashandi Triyoga P - CIMSA UNEJ

Training Methods Update
dr. Agustiawan - CIMSA UNIMAL

Training Materials Update
Yoga Arif Syah Hidayat, S.Ked - CIMSA UI

Learning and Facilitating Theory (4MAT, VARK, etc)
Maulana Girsang Muda Rambe, S.Ked - CIMSA FK Unpad


Bioethics in Health Care Provider
dr. M. Rizky Nur Karim – CIMSA FK Unpad

Open Science and Research Awareness
Kevin Alvaro Handoko, S.Ked - CIMSA UNAIR

Comprehensive Sexuality Education 101
Prasista Ariadna Kusumadewi - CIMSA UGM
Bryant Roosevelt Sabur, S.Ked - CIMSA UI

Let’s Talk about Contraception
Valentinus Dave Sugiharto - CIMSA UNEJ
Dewi Rani Pelitawati - CIMSA FK Unpad

Mental Health for All
Ashandi Triyoga P - CIMSA UNEJ
Ariana Maharani, S.Ked - CIMSA UGM

Youth and Health Promotion
Samantha Geraldine, S.Ked - CIMSA FK UNS
Joan Pemila - CIMSA FK UNS

Modern Slavery in Indonesia: Between Norms and Implementation
Natalie Audrey - CIMSA UGM
Fatimah El Balqis - CIMSA UNILA

Environmentalism and Education for Sustainability in Indonesia
Rania Azzahra S.P - CIMSA FK Unpad
M. Daffa Attila F - CIMSA UNILA

Role of Telemedicine in Increasing Healthcare Coverage in Different Countries
M. Yurizar Yudhistira - CIMSA FK UNS
Raden Ayu Sarah Nathania Raissa - CIMSA UPH

Dealing with Ethical Challenges in times of Coronavirus in Different Countries
Priscilla Diah Pratami - CIMSA FK Unpad
Farisan Kusniadi - MMSA UMY

The Role of Medical Students in Medical Doctors Distribution
Aisyah Rodiatuz Zahro - CIMSA UGM 
Shofura Rafega Zulda - CIMSA FK Unpad

Interprofessional Education in Medical Education System
Muhammad Ridho Fatoni - CIMSA FK UNS
Muhammad Halim Triwarni Syam, S. Ked – CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand

Medical Education System in The World vs Indonesia, which is better?
Alia Ramadhani – CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand
Luthfiana Nadhiifa Khoirunnisa - CIMSA FK UNS

Antimicrobial Resistance: A One Health and Cross-Border Health Care Challenge
Kathy Salsabila - CIMSA UI
Made Dwi Aryastana J, S.Ked - CIMSA FK Unpad

COVID Pandemic’s Effect on Antenatal Care Services and The Right to Health
Diesta Maylitadara - CIMSA FK UNS
Silvi Angelia May Purba - CIMSA UNRI


Accessing, Assessing and Analyzing Information
Muhammad Iqbal - CIMSA UMP
Monika Verena Nagari - CIMSA FK Unpad

Problem Solving and Effective Decision Making
Yovie Suryani - CIMSA UNRI

Strategies to Effectively Monitor and Evaluate Program
Khairunnisa Syahril - CIMSA Unimal

Capacity Building 101
M. Halim T. Syam, S.Ked – CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand

Preparing for the Upcoming Open Recruitment
Hasna Fikriya - CIMSA UGM
Drian Danya Hardi - CIMSA FK Unpad

Knowing How to Delegate and be Well-Delegated
Naufal Irsaly Zikri - CIMSA FK UNS 
Maasa Sunreza Millenia - CIMSA UNAIR

Enhancing Your Personal Brand to Create Impacts
Tiara Putri Leksono, S.Ked - CIMSA UGM

Creating Engaging Virtual Event to Attract More Audiences
Khair El Nisa Irwan M - CIMSA FK UIN SH

How to Generate Interesting Content
dr. Zulhilmi Syarif - CIMSA UGM

How to Influence People
Rosa Syahruzad - CIMSA UI

Reaching Out to Experts in the Field
Angelika Rizky N.P. - CIMSA UGM

Being Structured in Administration
Hanifatusyifa Amalina – CIMSA-BEM KM-FK Unand

Legality 101
Muhammad Zaki Raihan, S. Ked – CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand

Stabilizing an Organization's Finance
dr. Adriana Damayanti M – CIMSA FK Unpad

Strategy for Making a Great and Sustainable Sponsorship
Nakia Kalioriza Gurky - CIMSA USU

Smart Budgeting Plan
Triana Puti Nendes - CIMSA UNIMAL


For more information, please contact:
Drian Danya Hardi
HRDD CIMSA 2020-2021
LINE: driandanya
E-mail: hrd@cimsa.or.id

M. Ilham Novesar
VPI CIMSA 2020-2021
LINE: ilham_novesar7
E-mail: vpi@cimsa.or.id

Empowering Medical Students
Improving Nation's Health


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