SPRINGs - SCOPH CIMSA Universitas Andalas

SPRINGs - SCOPH CIMSA Universitas Andalas

Posted 2015-05-13 01:59:08 by Admin

In the name of social care, SCOPH CIMSA UNAND held SPRINGs, an annual event, that focuses on CIRCUMCISION.… [Read more]

APERTURA (Ayo Perangi Tuberkulosis Bersama CIMSA) - CIMSA Universitas Airlangga

APERTURA (Ayo Perangi Tuberkulosis Bersama CIMSA) - CIMSA Universitas Airlangga

Posted 2015-05-13 01:38:55 by Admin

APERTURA is an abbreviation for “Ayo Perangi Tuberkulosis Bersama CIMSA”. This project is our local’s… [Read more]

Interview With Alumni: John Prawira

Interview With Alumni: John Prawira

Posted 2015-05-13 01:30:08 by Admin

[blockquote cite="John Prawira, CIMSA Alumni" type="left"]Keep yourself active and do whatever you’re… [Read more]

Interview with Alumni: Mochammat Helmi

Interview with Alumni: Mochammat Helmi

Posted 2015-05-01 17:06:33 by Admin

[blockquote cite="Mochammat Helmi, CIMSA Alumni" type=Mochammat Helmi, CIMSA Alumni" type="left"]“Make… [Read more]

SGP Extreme in Collaboration with WHO

SGP Extreme in Collaboration with WHO

Posted 2015-05-01 16:50:03 by Admin

SGP is an abbreviation for SCORE Goes Public which is one of the national projects from Standing Committee… [Read more]

Against Dengue - CIMSA Universitas Sebelas Maret

Against Dengue - CIMSA Universitas Sebelas Maret

Posted 2015-05-01 16:44:43 by Admin

Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight goals that were signed by 191 UN Member countries, which… [Read more]

Posted 2015-05-01 16:22:00 by Admin

Tempat untuk mendapatkan berita artikel dan media pembelajaran di sekitar dunia pendidikan.… [Read more]


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